Welcome letter

The Institute of Grapevine and Wine Sciences (Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino, ICVV) is proud to announce the launch of the Open International Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology (Open-GPB2024) that will be held in Logroño, La Rioja, Spain, from July 7th to 11th, 2024. We pursue to provide an international forum in grapevine physiology and biotechnology research as approached in previous conferences.

As a differential feature with previous meetings on the topic, the Open GPB2024 is committed to the principles of Open Science, focused on spreading scientific knowledge as soon as it is available, using digital and collaborative methodologies. This strategy is helping to increase the quality and the impact of science, making it more reliable and more open to society and its needs. For this purpose, we will rely on the International Viticulture and Enology Society (IVES)) and the platform IVES Conference Series for the publication of the Open GPB2024 abstracts, communications, videos, posters or other materials that attendees would like to make public. In this way, the Open-GPB2024 will represent one step forward in the broad and fast dissemination of knowledge in this area.

Understanding the grapevine's physiological responses to the environment as well as to beneficial or pathological organisms is essential. Likewise, the development of technologies to adapt and improve those responses has become of primary relevance under the challenges imposed by climate change and the need for, more than ever, sustainable viticulture practices. With those premises in mind the conference aims to become a multidisciplinary interaction forum for scientists and viticulture professionals to exchange and discuss the latest advances in those fields of research. More specifically, the Open-GPB2024 would initially proposed sessions on:

  • Plant Vegetative and Reproductive Development
  • Fruit and Wine Yield and Composition
  • Abiotic Interactions
  • Biotic Interactions
  • New Biotechnological Tools
  • Advances in Omics and Big Data
  • Advances in Precision Viticulture and Phenotyping
  • Table Grapes, Raisins and Postharvest Physiology

While internationally recognized scientists in the field will be invited to share their latest findings, we encourage all participants to contribute with their most recent, novel, and even unpublished results as oral communications or posters.

Since the conference will be held in the heart of the Rioja DOCa winemaking region, the location is surrounded by magnificent vineyards and some of the most prestigious wine producers of Spain. There will be technical visits to discover local viticulture practices in the different Rioja subregions, as well as social events to enjoy the rich history, nature, gastronomy and wine culture of the area.

We are looking forward to meeting you in La Rioja for the Open-GPB2024 meeting!


José M. Martínez Zapater (convener) and the Organizing Committee


Sponsors and Collaborators





Technical Secretariat
Alo Congress – VB Group
Numancia 73, 3A
08029 Barcelona - Spain
Phone: (+34) 933 633 954
Queries: secretary@opengpb2024.com
Payments and invoices: adm@opengpb2024.com
