Collaboration Workshop: Molecular Biology Meeting Viticulture


Markus Keller and Diego Lijavetzky
On behalf of the Open-GPB2024 Organizing Committee we invite you to participate in this workshop to explore knowledge gaps and collaboration opportunities at the crossroads of molecular Biology and Viticulture. Research in these two disciplines has often been pursued somewhat in isolation, and we believe that future progress would benefit from closer collaboration among scientists with disparate areas of expertise.

When and where

The workshop will take place on Wednesday, July 10th, from 18:00 to 19:30 at Riojaforum Conference Centre.


Short presentations introducing key topics – 30 min
Feedback from workshop participants and discussion of knowledge gaps – 30 min
General discussion and development of potential collaborative research projects – 30 min

Background and Rationale

Molecular biology and genomics have effectively supplied genome and transcriptome sequence data for grapevine, offering fundamental genetic insights, while viticulture has provided information about grapevine growth and fruit production, offering valuable insights into the behavior of various cultivars in the field.

Nevertheless, we know little about the main genetic, molecular, cellular, and environmental drivers of the final phenotype and, consequently, of phenotypic variation. In this workshop we will discuss those knowledge gaps as well as collaborative strategies to fill them.

Possible Topics

• Phase transitions in grapevines:

  • Seedlings: From juvenile to mature vines
  • Phenology: Annual development and environmental drivers
  • Seeds: Formation, dormancy and germination
  • Buds: From initiation to dormancy (para-, endo-, ecodormancy, cold acclimation/deacclimation) to
  • Leaves: From development to function (including leaf shape, etc.)
    Roots: From initiation to seasonal growth and function (primary/secondary growth, turnover,
    water/nutrient uptake)

• Endogenous and exogenous signals or controls (e.g. temperature: quantitative impacts, lower/upper thresholds)

• Modeling and management

• Stress mitigation (e.g. weather extremes, drought, salinity, arthropods, pathogens)






Technical Secretariat
Alo Congress – VB Group
Numancia 73, 3A
08029 Barcelona - Spain
Phone: (+34) 933 633 954
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